RFID have been widely used in read the meter
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- May 14,2014
In china RFID have been widely used in read the meter.
Recently, Nanjing mobile development "smart meter " project in Nanjing enabled, meter readers carry RFID equipment and work phone , water,electricity, gas meter fingertips , you can complete the meter reading .
"It was going door to door meter reading,low workload efficiency ,and now can save a meter , you can move your fingers, not only easy , but also reduces the meter reading error rate ."Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited MRs master Zhou said happily .
Zhou said the master meter reading innovative way, thanks to cooperation with Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Mobile Gas Company Limited "smart meter" project. Currently, Nanjing, mobile development , water, electricity ,gas, " smart meter " project enabled in Nanjing . Right now, the MRs Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, Nanjing Power Supply Company ,Nanjing Water Group and other units , just use the phone work can be completed meter reading , eliminating the need to carry a pen and paper in the past ,flashlight depth meterresidential area trouble in reducing working hours of single-family , it isalso to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of data trans mission .
According to Nanjing Lu mobile client manager deer introduced in cooperation with Nanjing Water Group , on the meter load a module , meter readers carry RFID equipment and work phones , RFID devices torely on a water meter , water meter data can be read data transfer via Bluetooth to work first mobile phone , and then upload it to the customer through the work plat form storage Eaux phone records ; cooperation with Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited is similar , in gas form posted bar code ( two-dimensional code ), work phone scanning after the user information screen will pop up , and then manually enter the gas meter data ,then save , you can upload it to the database in a timely manner ; cooperation with Nanjing Power Supply Company is more advanced : the installation of the SIM card in the meter , take the initiative to upload data to the residential electricity background center,residents in Nanjing smart meter has covered included more than 300 million rural coverage reached 95 %.