RFID have been widely used in read the meter

RFID have been widely used in read the meter


In china RFID have been widely used in read the meter.


Recently, Nanjing mobile development "smart meter " project in Nanjing enabled, meter readers carry RFID equipment and work phone , water,electricity, gas meter fingertips , you can complete the meter reading .

"It was going door to door meter reading,low workload efficiency ,and now can save a meter , you can move your fingers, not only easy , but also reduces the meter reading error rate ."Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited MRs master Zhou said happily .

Zhou said the master meter reading innovative way, thanks to cooperation with Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Mobile Gas Company Limited "smart meter" project. Currently, Nanjing, mobile development , water, electricity ,gas, " smart meter " project enabled in Nanjing . Right now, the MRs Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, Nanjing Power Supply Company ,Nanjing Water Group and other units , just use the phone work can be completed meter reading , eliminating the need to carry a pen and paper in the past ,flashlight depth meterresidential area trouble in reducing working hours of single-family , it isalso to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of data trans mission .

According to Nanjing Lu mobile client manager deer introduced in cooperation with Nanjing Water Group , on the meter load a module , meter readers carry RFID equipment and work phones , RFID devices torely on a water meter , water meter data can be read data transfer via Bluetooth to work first mobile phone , and then upload it to the customer through the work plat form storage Eaux phone records ; cooperation with Nanjing, Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited is similar , in gas form posted bar code ( two-dimensional code ), work phone scanning after the user information screen will pop up , and then manually enter the gas meter data ,then save , you can upload it to the database in a timely manner ; cooperation with Nanjing Power Supply Company is more advanced : the installation of the SIM card in the meter , take the initiative to upload data to the residential electricity background center,residents in Nanjing smart meter has covered included more than 300 million rural coverage reached 95 %.